model; { # 2-d random-walk-with-drift hierarchical model # Default model from Ian D Jonsen, Ransom A Myers, & Michael C James # "Robust hierarchical state-space models reveal diel variation in travel # rates of migrating leatherback turtles" #, IDJ 02/10/2021 # Syntax Key: # - model parameters are "stochastic nodes" and are assigned with the symbol ~ # which can be read as "is distributed as" # - derived parameters are "logical nodes" and are assigned with the symbol <- # - square brackets [ ] denote subsets, e.g., mu.alpha[1,1] denotes the # 1st row & first column of the matrix mu.alpha # - prior & sampling distributions are preceded by a "d" # - all variances are specified as precisions (1/variance), for convenience we # place priors on standard deviations and subsequently convert these # parameters to precisions # - I(0, ) denotes censoring of values <= 0 # for further details see pi <- 3.1415 # declare pi # Specify vague hyper-priors for all model parameters # Hyper-priors on mean & sd of travel rates (alpha) mu.alpha[1,1] ~ dnorm(0, 0.1) # day, lon sd.alpha[1,1] ~ dunif(0, 0.1) isd2.alpha[1,1] <- pow(sd.alpha[1,1], -2) # convert sd to precision (1/var) mu.alpha[1,2] ~ dnorm(0, 0.1) # day, lat sd.alpha[1,2] ~ dunif(0, 0.1) isd2.alpha[1,2] <- pow(sd.alpha[1,2], -2) # convert sd to precision (1/var) mu.alpha[2,1] ~ dnorm(0, 0.1) # night, lon sd.alpha[2,1] ~ dunif(0, 0.1) isd2.alpha[2,1] <- pow(sd.alpha[2,1], -2) # convert sd to precision (1/var) mu.alpha[2,2] ~ dnorm(0, 0.1) # night, lat sd.alpha[2,2] ~ dunif(0, 0.1) isd2.alpha[2,2] <- pow(sd.alpha[2,2], -2) # convert sd to precision (1/var) # Hyper-priors on mean & sd of process variability (constant b/w day & night) mu.sigma[1] ~ dunif(0, 0.3) # lon sd.sigma[1] ~ dunif(0, 0.1) isd2.sigma[1] <- pow(sd.sigma[1], -2) # convert sd to precision (1/var) mu.sigma[2] ~ dunif(0, 0.3) # lat sd.sigma[2] ~ dunif(0, 0.1) isd2.sigma[2] <- pow(sd.sigma[2], -2) # convert sd to precision (1/var) # Derive travel rate on the plane (hierarchical means) mu.r[1] <- pow(pow(mu.alpha[1,1], 2) + pow(mu.alpha[1,2], 2), 0.5) # day mu.r[2] <- pow(pow(mu.alpha[2,1], 2) + pow(mu.alpha[2,2], 2), 0.5) # night # Derive (hierarchical mean of log ratio of day-night travel rates) <- log(mu.r[1]) - log(mu.r[2]) # Estimate Bayes predictive distributions by sampling from hyper-priors Bpd.alpha11 ~ dnorm(mu.alpha[1,1], isd2.alpha[1,1]) # day, lon Bpd.alpha12 ~ dnorm(mu.alpha[1,2], isd2.alpha[1,2]) # day, lat Bpd.alpha21 ~ dnorm(mu.alpha[2,1], isd2.alpha[2,1]) # night, lon Bpd.alpha22 ~ dnorm(mu.alpha[2,2], isd2.alpha[2,2]) # night, lat Bpd.sigma1 ~ dnorm(mu.sigma[1], isd2.sigma[1])I(0,) # lon Bpd.sigma2 ~ dnorm(mu.sigma[2], isd2.sigma[2])I(0,) # lat Bpd.r1 <- pow(pow(Bpd.alpha11, 2) + pow(Bpd.alpha12, 2), 0.5) # day Bpd.r2 <- pow(pow(Bpd.alpha21, 2) + pow(Bpd.alpha22, 2), 0.5) # night <- log(Bpd.r1) - log(Bpd.r2) # day-night travel rate ratio # Loop over J pathways for(j in 1:J){ # Priors for travel rate (alpha) alpha[1,1,j] ~ dnorm(mu.alpha[1,1], isd2.alpha[1,1]) # day, lon alpha[2,1,j] ~ dnorm(mu.alpha[2,1], isd2.alpha[2,1]) # day, lat alpha[1,2,j] ~ dnorm(mu.alpha[1,2], isd2.alpha[1,2]) # night, lon alpha[2,2,j] ~ dnorm(mu.alpha[2,2], isd2.alpha[2,2]) # night, lat r[1,j] <- pow(pow(alpha[1,1,j], 2) + pow(alpha[1,2,j], 2), 0.5) # day r[2,j] <- pow(pow(alpha[2,1,j], 2) + pow(alpha[2,2,j], 2), 0.5) # night delta[j] <- log(r[1,j]) - log(r[2,j]) # day-night travel rate ratio # Priors for process variability sigma[1,j] ~ dnorm(mu.sigma[1], isd2.sigma[1])I(0, ) # lon (half-Normal prior) isigma2[1,j] <- pow(sigma[1,j], -2) # convert sd to precision sigma[2,j] ~ dnorm(mu.sigma[2], isd2.sigma[2])I(0, ) # lat (half-Normal prior) isigma2[2,j] <- pow(sigma[2,j], -2) # convert sd to precision # Prior on first state = first observed location with uncertainty in dataset j # Ridx indexes the first and last regular time steps for dataset j # Oidx indexes the first observation in dataset j x[Ridx[j],1] ~ dt(y[Oidx[j],1], itau[Oidx[j],1], nu[Oidx[j],1]) x[Ridx[j],2] ~ dt(y[Oidx[j],2], itau[Oidx[j],2], nu[Oidx[j],2]) for(t in Ridx[j]:(Ridx[j+1]-2)){ # loop over regular time intervals # account for earth's curvature & different day/night lengths (h) tmp[t,1] <- x[t,1] + alpha[day[t],1,j] / cos(x[t,2] / 180 * pi) * h[t] tmp[t,2] <- x[t,2] + alpha[day[t],2,j] * h[t] for(d in 1:2){ # loop over lon & lat # account for different day/night lengths (h) sig.tmp[t,d,j] <- isigma2[d,j] / h[t] x[t+1,d] ~ dnorm(tmp[t,d], sig.tmp[t,d,j]) # process equation } } # Prior for scaling factor (accounts for among tag performance variability) logpsi[j] ~ dunif(-10, 10) psi[j] <- exp(logpsi[j]) # idx indexes the observed locations in regular time step t for(t in (Ridx[j]):(Ridx[j+1]-1)){ # loop over regular time intervals for(i in idx[t]:(idx[t+1]-1)){ # loop over observations in each t for(d in 1:2){ # loop over lon & lat itau.psi[i,d] <- itau[i,d] * psi[j] # re-scale observation error y[i,d] ~ dt(x[t,d], itau.psi[i,d], nu[i,d]) # Observation equation } } } } }