Site has been deprecated since March 2007
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The Myers' lab is committed to outreach. During 2003, we published ten papers in peer reviewed scientific journals. Three of these received international news coverage, including the cover of US News and World Report, the cover of Newsweek International, two pages in Time magazine, a story in the Economist, the front page of the NY Times (above the fold), coverage in over 400 other newspapers, interviews with the big 3 US TV networks, and three stories on CNN (including "headline news"). Discovery magazine declared this work to be one of the top Science stories of 2003 and it led to a US Senate committee meeting on the state of fisheries worldwide called by Senator McClain.

We are now developing an outreach section of our website for the use of schools and the general public. At present, our plans include the development of a powerpoint presentation Extinction in the Oceans that can be downloaded and modified by instructors. We intend to produce two related presentations: one for younger students and one for more advanced studies.